Make a Wish - Nicky

Nicky, a well deserving spirit with a rare condition that restricted his capacity for exposure to the outside world was in need of something new and exciting for a small sun drenched backyard. After a few conversations Nicky expressed interest in having some forts where he and his brothers could stage Nerf battles. Using only donated and salvaged wood O2 Treehouse came up with a design consisting of two opposing battle stations. Each station contained a variety of areas that provided both concealment and reveal areas by using 2”x4” vertical slats, which would keep the game full of action. Each battle station also had upper turret that could be ascended to gain higher ground on other Nerf warriors. For days when the temperature was a bit too hot, the structure also contains a fully sealed environment whose exterior slatting would help shade the structure and moderate the temperature fluctuations in the hot arid back yard climate.